If you know me or Lizzie at all, you know we love music. All kinds of music.
Dementia is a hideous disease that affects the brain in so many ways. And many of those ways involve some kind of loss.
- precious memories
- friendships
- emotional control
- vocabulary
- physical control of her body
Lizzie has been in the nursing home for over 5 years now. She's experienced a lot of loss.
What surprised me in recent visits was that she's also shown evidence of learning and growth. Yay!!
As you know, Lizzie and I sing a lot during our visits. It's something she enjoys and it's a great way to help her retain her words and keep that brain active.
The other day, Lizzie started singing a song about Nicholas being ridiculous and not wanting to get up in the morning. She sang the same 3 or 4 lines multiple times. It was a song I'd never heard. I wasn't sure it was real, but when I looked it up, there it was!